~~ Old Man Strength Challenge October 2022
~~ Old Man Strength Challenge October 2022
The movement:
Bench Press
1/2 your Bodyweight
Max Reps in 2 Minutes
REMEMBER - the OMSC monthly challenge is:
Community building
Open to anyone in the USA
Designed to be performed at any gym
Requires no previous competition experience
Equipment required:
Barbell (45# for men, 35# for Women)
Weight plate and clips
A space to lift fast, hard, and safely
Load your barbell to equal to or greater than 50% of your body weight
Set the clock for 2 minutes (up or down)
Start the clock
At the countdown of 3-2-1, start your bench press cleans
You can rack the bar and rest as many times as you desire in the 2 min period.
For a rep to count
Elbows must lock out at the top
The barbell must touch the chest and the bottom
You must enter your score online before 9:00 PM ET on October 30, 2022
You can make as many attempts (and score submissions) as you would like before the monthly deadline
FREE T-Shirts
A FREE Move4Life t-shirt will be given to each Men’s and Women’s monthly winner.
OMSC Winners Circle
Congratulations September 2022 Winners (Barbell Cleans)
Men’s - Craig B. - 40
Women’s - A Ghost