Fundraising Events
Our fundraisers are the main source of revenue to help & support people Maryland. Each event is designed to celebrate the people who serve the public community.
Profits from the fundraisers will go to the Move4Life beneficiary programs.
Move4Life Fund is a registered Maryland and IRS 501(c)(3) public charity (Federal Tax ID: 85-4028118).

Federalsburg / Build a Gym 5K
The success of our initiatives relies heavily on support from the immediate and surrounding communities. Move4Life entered into a private/public partnership with the Township of Federalsburg Maryland to outfit a local activity center with gym equipment.
This fundraising event is called the “Build-a-Gym 5K” is on May 17, 2025 in Federalsburg MD.
Your participation, monetary or in-kind contribution will help us expand our reach, enhance program effectiveness, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of community members.
Move4Life is 100% volunteer led and operated NPO. We guarantee any monetary donations towards the Build-a-Gym fund will be utilized dollar-for-dollar towards the cause.

Winter Solo 6
Winter Solo 6 will be our best event ever!!!
Registration opens September 1, 2025.
More Information to come…

Winter Solo 5
Move4Life is excited to announce our fifth winter series CrossFit competition, Winter Solo 5 (fka ‘24), which will be held on January 11, 2025, in Jessup, Maryland.
Four WODs - Expect Challenging Workouts - No Final WOD
This is an individual CrossFit fitness competition with four divisions: Elite, Rx, Scaled, and Masters (40+).
As our signature event, we ‘honor our heroes’ by including unique workouts for current and past military members and First Responders. From the weekend warrior to the experienced competitor, The Super Soldier Series™ aims to be the top community-building event for central Maryland communities.
Early bird discounted registration ends on 10/31/2024 at midnight.
The guaranteed t-shirt deadline is 12/15/24 at 6:00 PM.

Build-a-Gym 5K Fundraiser
The success of our initiatives relies heavily on support from the immediate and surrounding communities. Move4Life entered into a private/public partnership with the Township of Federalsburg Maryland to outfit a local activity center with gym equipment.
This fundraising event is called the “Build-a-Gym 5K” is on June 15, 2024 in Federalsburg MD.
Your participation, monetary or in-kind contribution will help us expand our reach, enhance program effectiveness, and make a meaningful difference in the lives of community members.
Move4Life is 100% volunteer led and operated NPO. We guarantee any monetary donations towards the Build-a-Gym fund will be utilized dollar-for-dollar towards the cause.
Winter Solo '23
Move4Life is excited to announce our 4th winter series CrossFit competition Winter Solo 23 on December 9, 2023 in Columbia, MD.
Four WODs - Cash Prizes for every division - No Final WOD
Make no bones about it, this is an individual CrossFit fitness competition with four divisions: Elite, Rx, Scaled, and Masters (40+).
As our signature event, we ‘honor our heroes’ by including unique workouts of current and past members of the Military, and First Responders. From the weekend warrior to the experienced competitor, The Super Soldier Series™ aims to be the top community-building event for central Maryland communities.
Early bird discounted registration ends on 10/10/2023 at 12 midnight.
The guaranteed t-shirt deadline is 11/26/23 at 6:00PM.

5Ton-5K Festival
Move4Life is hosting it’s first outdoor competition in historic Federalsburg, MD, in Caroline County. Profits from the event will be used to furnish a local activity center that benefits low-income people.
The Township of Federalsburg is our event sponsor.

Winter Solo 22'
We transform low-income people's lives with fitness and wellness scholarships. We utilize fitness competitions as our primary fundraiser via the Move4Life Competitions site that is home to the Super Soldier Series™, Winter Solo, and Old Man Strength Challenge events. We provide a world-class local event for athletes at all levels of competition, then utilize the profits to provide low-income people with gym memberships AND provide community college scholarships for high school seniors.

Winter Solo Individual Competition
The ‘Winter Solo’ individual competition is a unique fitness event that recognizes the capabilities of the Military and First Responders personnel. We guarantee challenging workouts and unique prizes! This event is open to anyone — divisions will be Male & Female / Rx, Scaled, Legends (40+).
‘Winter Solo’ will have cash prizes for the Rx podium positions (1st, 2nd, 3rd) for both males and females.
More information below …

Super Soldier Series™ - Teams
The Super Soldier Series™ TEAMS is a unique competition that recognizes the capabilities of the Military and First Responders personnel. We had 88 registered athletes for the event and it was a major success to help build the fund.
Divisions will be Rx, Scaled, Legends (40-46yo), and Legends Plus (47yo+).